Swiss Bliss

"People who see the big picture expand their experience because they expand their world. As a result, they accomplish more than narrow-minded people." - John C. Maxwell

We stopped at a chocolate factory in Interlaken, Switzerland. Of course I picked like 6 different flavors and ended up really only obsessing over the caramel filled one. Swiss chocolates are everything you'd imagine plus more. Do you see my cute nails? Can you believe they're press ons bitch! YES! For this trip I was like I don't feel like getting acrylics, I'm just going to get some press ons and call it a day. So every time I changed outfits, I changed my nails. Don't judge me, aesthetic. LMAO. How gorgeous is this scenery? This was the same day we rode the mountain coaster.

Photo Oct 03, 9 02 21 PM

Photo Oct 04, 10 32 59 AM

Photo Sep 27, 6 18 29 AM

Photo Sep 26, 8 10 25 AM

Photo Oct 03, 8 27 44 PM


Olive Cargo Pants


Lets go for a ride