Lets go for a ride

Right after taking this picture in the middle of Switzerland, my boyfriend attempted to teach me how to drive stick shift. First, we started driving on a military only road and had no idea until a military jeep came up to us and told us we couldn't be there. Then, we attempted again on a road where the were lots of cow and obviously for me, this was very difficult as I constantly get distracted by cute animals. I pushed through though and I actually did better than I thought I would. The first time he tried to teach me was in Iceland a few years back, at night time, in a slanted parking lot. That didn't go so well. lmao. Anyways, I'm excited to move back to NY only because of the in-between, semi-cool weather. You know there weather where it's not scorching hot and humid but also not freezing with snowfall. Photo Sep 27, 12 33 25 PM

Photo Sep 25, 7 21 36 PM

Photo Oct 03, 8 50 33 PM

Photo Sep 30, 1 12 52 PM


Swiss Bliss


A 60's Vibe