3 Sets of 10

“Don’t allow someone not worth it to have the power to occupy your thoughts. If they don’t find you worth the effort or the time, why should you waste yours?” – Donna Lynn Hope

My most asked question is "what is your workout routine?" I kept saying for months I was going to start doing workout posts for you guys but when I work out, I actually work out. The last thing I want to do is my hair and make up just to sweat and be gross. Soooo I've decided to do gifs instead of workout videos because reasons. Sometimes I don't have all the time in the world to workout because I travel so much now but that's probably just another excuse. I find that if I don't workout at least 3-4 times a week, I feel way less energetic and end up moping around. So I make sure to at least try and do 15-30 minutes of anything each day to keep me going. Below is a quick 15 minute workout if you're short on time.

Nike fitted workout shirt
Camo/Olive Green Nike Roshe Runs
black workout shorts
15 lb kettle bell
Target yoga mat
Shevah Vahdatpour's artwork
Dumbbell Side Bends
3 sets of 10 but be sure to alternate sides

Leg Kick Backs
3 sets of 10 but be sure to alternate sides

Side to Side Sit Ups
3 sets of 10 but be sure to alternate sides

Anddd a little dance at the end just because =]

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