Huarache Mami

"People are rewarded in public for what they practice for years in private" -Tony Robbins

More shots from when I was in Belize. It was crazy to see no cars on the streets, only a few golf carts and plenty bicycles. My Belize posts you'll barely see make up on me because the humidity melted any type of make up I had on. Also I was more concerned with the mosquitos biting every inch of my body haha. I can't stop wearing all white outfits. Probably because now that I'm in Florida again, I'm dressing for the weather.

Wearing: Bone Nike Huarache shoes
white sleeved crop top
ASOS round white sunglasses
seamless high panties
white mesh shorts (similar) white mesh shorts cream huaraches DSC_0262 crop top all white outfits DSC_0293

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Mesh Jumpsuit

